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Descargar Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability (Managing Forest Ecosystems) de Susana Barreiro,Mart-Jan Schelhaas,Ronald E. McRoberts,Gerald Kändler PDF ePub

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Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability (Managing Forest Ecosystems) de Susana Barreiro,Mart-Jan Schelhaas,Ronald E. McRoberts,Gerald Kändler

Descripción - Reseña del editor This book provides detailed descriptions of the forest biomass projection systems used in 22 countries in Europe and North America, as well as four European-wide systems. Separate chapters focus on the concepts of estimation of availability of woody biomass, compare and classify the different projection systems, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for the further development of these systems. Contraportada In many European countries, the importance of wood production has been declining over the last decades in favour of other forest functions. However, recent policy targets for bioenergy and emphasis on the contribution of forests to the bio-economy have sparked interest in availability and mobilisation of wood from the forest and triggered the development or improvement of forest projection systems to assess future wood availability under different scenarios. As a result, a variety of approaches to modelling future woody biomass supply are currently used, making the comparison of results difficult. Additionally, the lack of mutual understanding among supply experts and wood industry experts often leads to misunderstandings regarding the availability of woody biomass. The book provides a unique collection of structured and detailed descriptions of the projection systems used in Europe and North America and of how wood resources are assessed and monitored by national forest inventories. The reader will find contextualizing accounts of forests and the issues that triggered the development of each system disclosing the situation in countries where National Forest Inventories have recently been implemented but no such tools have been developed. Additionally, a whole chapter is dedicated to the description of the European level tools that can be used, including their advantages and limitations. Finally, it provides a discussion on the future challenges. This book is written for experts in the field of assessment and modelling of wood resources, private practitioners and public administration and decision-makers interested in deepening their knowledge about the projection systems used for officially reporting woody biomass availability in several European countries and North America.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability (Managing Forest Ecosystems)
  • Autor: Susana Barreiro,Mart-Jan Schelhaas,Ronald E. McRoberts,Gerald Kändler
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Agricultura y ganadería
  • Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 412 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

LIBRO Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability (Managing Forest Ecosystems) de Susana Barreiro,Mart-Jan Schelhaas,Ronald E. McRoberts,Gerald Kändler PDF ePub

Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and ~ Additionally, the lack of mutual understanding among supply experts and wood industry experts often leads to misunderstandings regarding the availability of woody biomass. The book provides a unique collection of structured and detailed descriptions of the projection systems used in Europe and North America and of how wood resources are assessed and monitored by national forest inventories.

Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and ~ This book provides detailed descriptions of the forest biomass projection systems used in 22 countries in Europe and North America, as well as four European-wide systems. Separate chapters focus on the concepts of estimation of availability of woody biomass, compare and classify the different projection systems, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for the further development of these .

Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and ~ Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability (Managing Forest Ecosystems (29)) 1st ed. 2017 Edition by Susana Barreiro (Editor), Mart-Jan Schelhaas (Editor), Ronald E. McRoberts (Editor), Gerald Kändler (Editor) & 1 more

Forest inventory-based projection systems for wood and ~ Get this from a library! Forest inventory-based projection systems for wood and biomass availability. [Susana Barreiro; Mart-Jan Schelhaas; Ronald E McRoberts; Gerald Kändler;] -- In many European countries, the importance of wood production has been declining over the last decades in favour of other forest functions. However, recent policy targets for bioenergy and emphasis .

Future Challenges for Woody Biomass Projections / SpringerLink ~ Abstract. Many drivers affect woody biomass projections including forest available for wood supply, market behavior, forest ownership, distributions by age and yield classes, forest typologies resulting from different edaphic, climatic conditions, and last but not least, how these factors are incorporated into projection systems.

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The Structure, Distribution, and Biomass of the World's ~ tems, and ecosystem models are providing forest maps with unprecedented resolution (Running et al. 2009, Shugart et al. 2010). Three-dimensional remote sensing allows researchers to esti-mate forest canopy height, map the world’s forests, and estimate forest biomass and carbon stocks (Lefsky 2010, Saatchi et al. 2011).

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Estimating potential forest NPP, biomass and their ~ In addition, forest inventory‐based approaches rarely reveal the mechanisms that account for changes in forest NPP and biomass (Kauppi et al. 1992). Satellite‐based vegetation indices can be incorporated into light‐use efficiency models such as LULUE ( Brogaard et al. 2005 ) to estimate forest NPP and biomass at large spatial scales ( Markon and Peterson 2002 , Dawson et al. 2003 ).

Forest Management - an overview / ScienceDirect Topics ~ Collaborative forest management —or community forestry—is a system where communities and governmental agencies work together to collectively develop a plan for managing natural resources, and each share responsibilities associated with the plan. The idea of a community-driven forest management and planning process is not new. Brown (1938) discussed the concept 80 years ago, and noted some .

(PDF) Biomass Estimation Methods for Tropical Forests with ~ Stand tables from forest inventories representing >22 × 106 ha of forests in tropical Asia were used to estimate aboveground biomass. The mean inventory-based for moist forests (225 Mg/ha) was .

Forest inventory-based large-scale forest biomass and ~ Muukkonen, Petteri 2006. Forest inventory-based large-scale forest biomass and carbon budget assessment: new enhanced methods and use of remote sensing for verification. Uni-versity of Helsinki, Department of Geography. ABSTRACT In recent years, concern has arisen over the effects of increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) in

Biomass estimation over a large area based on standwise ~ In the present study, we demonstrate the potential of standwise (forest stand is a homogenous forest unit with average size of 1–3 ha) forest inventory data, and ASTER and MODIS satellite data for estimating stand volume (m 3 ha − 1) and aboveground biomass (t ha − 1) over a large area of boreal forests in southern Finland.

Designing Wood Supply Scenarios from Forest Inventories ~ Forest growth and wood supply projections are increasingly used to estimate the future availability of woody biomass and the correlated effects on forests and climate. This research parameterizes an inventory-based business-as-usual wood supply scenario, with a focus on southwest Germany and the period 2002–2012 with a stratified prediction.

Developing woody biomass supply projections on ~ Developing Woody Biomass Supply Projections on Predominately Public Forest Landscapes for Bioenergy and other Bio-products Development . Catherine M. Mater1 and Edmund Gee2. ABSTRACT.

Forestry: Journal of / Biomass / Carbon Sequestration ~ 2.2 inter.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

MODIS Based Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China ~ Forest aboveground biomass density data. The forest aboveground biomass density (AGBD) data used in this study is a collection of published ground measurements from 348 sites across China (Fig 1) during 1978–2008 [].All these data have been checked using criteria following Ni et al. [] to ensure their validity.The final dataset provides 1607 AGBD records with tree species, latitude and .

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Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research - Taylor & Francis ~ (2018). Comparison of estimators and feature selection procedures in forest inventory based on airborne laser scanning and digital aerial imagery. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research: Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 681-694.

Pros and Cons of Continuous Forest Inventory: Customer ~ Pros and Cons of Continuous Forest Inventory: Customer Perspectives Andrew J. R. Gillespie Abstract.--The USDA Forest Service has historically conducted forest inventory on a state-by-state cycle, producing relatively high precision snapshots of forest resources for a given state at 7 to 15 year intervals.

An Integrated Modelling Framework for the Forest-based ~ This paper describes the conceptual design of a regional modelling framework to assess scenarios for the forest-based bioeconomy. The framework consists of a core set of tools: a partial equilibrium model for the forest sector, a forestry dynamics model for forest growth and harvest, and a wood resources balance sheet. The framework can be expanded to include an energy model, a landuse model .

Assessing forest inventory information obtained from ~ Forest owners (decision makers) usually characterize the quality of an inventory based on the correspondence be-tween inventory volume and obtained timber volumes of harvested stands. Since the main objective of forest man-agement inventories is to provide information that can be used for decision-making with respect to silvicultural treat-

Forest Inventory: Methodology and Applications - PDF Free ~ FOREST INVENTORY Managing Forest Ecosystems Volume . ASSESSING THE WORLD’S FORESTS Annika Kangas 17.1 GLOBAL ISSUES 17.1.1 Issues of interest 17.1.2 Forest area 17.1.3 Wood volume and woody biomass 17.1.4 Biodiversity . Mandallaz, D. 1991. A Unified Approach to Sampling Theory for Forest Inventory Based on Infinite .

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